Donna's second week in American Samoa

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Week 1

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6


Taken from the lanai looking east in the middle of a downpour.  Here the sky opens up and buckets are dropped in a downpour that is so loud you can’t yell over it.  Then the sun comes out and the sky closes up and all gets back to normal.


Breadfruit or “ulu” – a staple of the Samoans – they fry it, broil it, bake it, and steam it!


About half-way up my walk (Le Falepule’s driveway) Woody, my walking partner, greets me each day.

Rebecca is from Fiji, she is shy about being photographed in her “old shirt,” but she consents.  She is my other walking partner.  She is the heart of Le Falepule – cooking, laundry, gardening, you name it.  She is also the “toad sweeper.” As we sit with our tea each evening the toads slowly encroach on “our territory.”  Using the “Samoan broom” Rebecca, with one stroke, flings each toad across the lanai and into the darkness!  She is my hero!

Taken mid-way down the driveway (Le Falepule, the B & B where I’m staying is located half-way up a mountain).  The driveway is so steep that I continue to find myself leaning in toward the steering wheel when my little rental car climbs the mountain…as if the car will turn a summersault without  my help. 

A shot of the sitting/main area in the big house of Le Falepule.

The lanai, just off the main area.

The Public Library which has a large collection of history of the Pacific Islands.  For some reason that I have yet to discover, the “locals” must wait in line outside the Library; they are taken in one at a time and must show some type of “credential” to enter.

Flowers in the driveway

More flowers in the driveway.