Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Last Week

Donna's second week in Palau

Annabel negotiates my rental car through a downpour - umbrella ready for me to jump in. The Yuhi Motel - I'm up on the third floor This is the Prevention office with a dedicated DSL line - woohoo! The parking lot for the Behavioral Health Division's Outpatient Clinic at the Hospital
Looking at Koror from the causeway which leads to the hospital. These causeways, built by the Army Corps of Engineers link several smaller islands to the main island of Koror and Babeldoab. Rainstorm moving toward the beach.
The national Museum where the latest collection displays the history of Palau pre-Spanish days through its time with Spain the Germans the Japanese and the Americans. A Bai (Men's house) located on the museum property nbsp; North End dispensary (Mental Health Clinic)
The Capitol Building which took 15 years to build. Inhabited just 2 years ago. Written in Palauan "The House of Whispers" which recognizes the age-old communications process used by chieftains who whisper messages to their assistants which are then carried to the chief next to him, whispered in his ear by the assistant. Everlynn and Timmy. A great couple who spent the day with me touring the island.